Friday, February 21 Workshops – 1:30 pm – 2:45 pm

Walk into Professional School: My story how I got into Dental School
This workshop will highlight my personal admissions experience into dental school and the hard work invested to get me there. We will explore the necessary process into admissions to professional programs such as medical school, law school, dental school, and more. Participants will be equipped with the necessary tools to start their own journey towards their desired professional program.
PRESENTER(S): Alexandra Jaquez, Tutor, UNM HEP
WORKSHOP CATEGORY: Motivation, College readiness
ROOM: Rivera A

Cultura te ayuda: The importance of Raza Student Organizations
The purpose of this workshop is for students to identify leadership roles within their institutions by finding culturally affirming resources and organizations. This presentation will allow students to map out their own interests and leadership aspirations, while promoting Latinidad.
PRESENTER(S): Julián Ángel, El Centro de la Raza-UNM
WORKSHOP CATEGORY: Personal Exploration / Personal development
ROOM: Rivera B

Build a Tower, Build a Team?
This interactive workshop will explore the 8 Characteristics of a High Performing Team which includes: clear evaluated goal(s), result-driven structure, competent members, unified commitment, collaborative climate, standards of excellence, external and internal support/ recognition, and principled leadership. A team building activity will be incorporated as a way to put into practice the 8 characteristics.
PRESENTER(S): Mailyn Madera- MSU Denver CAMP Peer Mentor; Daniel Mazur- Graduate Intern
WORKSHOP CATEGORY: Job/Career readiness, Teamwork
ROOM: Lamy

Effective Communication
During the workshop, we will go over concepts and principles of effective communication. The purpose is for the participants to understand and practice effective communication skills through various experiential exercises. Participants will understand the distinction between active listening and generous listening and how to apply these concepts in real-world experiences. In addition, they will understand the process of giving and receiving feedback for effective outcomes.
PRESENTER(S): Natalie Pena, Co-Owner; Pamela Vaillant, Co-Owner; Stephanie Co-facilitator, Women of Consciousness
WORKSHOP CATEGORY: Personal Exploration / Personal development
ROOM: Meem
Essay Essentials: The art of writing a formal essay
This workshop will focus on strategies and techniques on how to write a well-organized five paragraph essay in formal speech. Grammar will not be the main focus but will be included in the essay writing process. Attendees will be able to approach writing a formal essay with confidence.
PRESENTER(S): Laura S Hughes, Instructor, HEP UNM
WORKSHOP CATEGORY: College readiness, Job/Career readiness
ROOM: O’Keefe